This is the crossover document that includes the 2008 revisions to the 2001 Curriculum Framework.
Spring 2010 tests will cover the 2001 standards, but will include field-test items from the 2008 revision. The following year (spring 2011), tests will be based upon the 2008 revision.
The student will demonstrate knowledge of the foundations of American constitutional government by
a) explaining the fundamental principles of consent of the governed, limited government, rule of law, democracy, and representative government;
What are the fundamental political principles that have shaped government in the United States?
Fundamental political principles
The student will demonstrate knowledge of the foundations of American constitutional government by
b) explaining the significance of the charters of the Virginia Company of London, the Virginia Declaration of Rights, the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom, and the Constitution of the United States of America, including the Bill of Rights;
Influence of earlier documents on the Constitution of the United States of America
The student will demonstrate knowledge of the foundations of American constitutional government by
c) identifying the purposes for the Constitution of the United States of America as stated in its Preamble;
What are the purposes identified in the Preamble to the Constitution of the United States of America?
The Preamble to the Constitution
of the United States of America expresses
the reasons the constitution was
The Preamble to the Constitution of the United States of America begins, “We the people,” which establishes that the power of government comes from the people.
Purposes of U.S. government
The student will demonstrate knowledge of the foundations of American constitutional government by
d) identifying the procedures for amending the Constitution of Virginia and the Constitution of the United States.
The Constitution of the United States
ofAmerica defines the process by
formal changes are made
to the document.
The constitutions of Virginia and the United States can be amended through a process outlined in the constitutions.
The Virginia constitution has been rewritten several times.
How can the Constitution of the United States be amended?
Constitution of the United States
The amendment process is complex; to date, there are 27 amendments to the Constitution of the United States.
Amendment process:
How can the Constitution of Virginia be amended?
Constitution of Virginia
The student will demonstrate knowledge of citizenship and the rights, duties, and responsibilities of citizens by
a) describing the processes by which an individual becomes a citizen of the United States;
How does an individual become a citizen?
The Fourteenth Amendment to
the Constitution of the United States of
America defines citizenship:
“All persons born or naturalized
in the United States, and subject
to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens
of the United States and the state wherein
they reside.”
Means of obtaining citizenship
Immigration and naturalization, particularly in the twentieth century, have led to an increasingly diverse society.
To become a citizen through naturalization, a person must demonstrate knowledge of American history and principles and the ability to read, speak, and write words in ordinary usage in the English language.
The student will demonstrate knowledge of citizenship
and the rights, duties, and responsibilities
of citizens by
b) describing the First Amendment freedoms of
religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition,
and the rights guaranteed by due process and equal
protection of the laws;
What fundamental rights and liberties are guaranteed in the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution of the United States of America?
First Amendment freedoms
Fourteenth Amendment
The student will demonstrate knowledge of citizenship
and the rights, duties, and responsibilities
of citizens by
c) describing the duties of citizenship,
including obeying the laws, paying taxes, defending
the nation, and serving in court;
What duties are expected of all citizens?
Duties of responsible citizens
Citizens who choose not to fulfill these civic duties face legal consequences.
The student will demonstrate knowledge of citizenship
and the rights, duties, and responsibilities
of citizens by
d) examining the responsibilities of
citizenship, including registering and
voting, communicating with government officials,
participating in political campaigns, keeping
informed about current issues, and respecting
differing opinions in a diverse society;
What are the ways individuals demonstrate responsible citizenship?
Civic responsibilities are fulfilled by choice; they are voluntary.
Responsibilities of citizens
The student will demonstrate knowledge of citizenship
and the rights, duties, and responsibilities
of citizens by
e) evaluating how civic and social duties address community
needs and serve the public good.
In what ways do citizens participate in community service?
Ways for citizens to participate in community service
The student will demonstrate knowledge of personal
character traits that facilitate thoughtful
and effective participation in civic life by
a) practicing trustworthiness and honesty;
b) practicing courtesy and respect for the rights
of others;
c) practicing responsibility, accountability,
and self-reliance;
d) practicing respect for the law;
e) practicing patriotism. ;
f) practicing decision-making;
g) practicing service to the school and/or local
How do individuals demonstrate thoughtful and effective participation in civic life?
Personal traits of good citizens
Effective participation in civic life can include:
Practicing thoughtful decision-making in personal, financial and civic matters (e.g. voting and civic issues)
The student will demonstrate knowledge of the
political process at the local, state, and national
levels of government by
a) describing the functions of political
What roles do political parties play in the American political process?
Functions of political parties
The student will demonstrate knowledge of the
political process at the local, state, and national
levels of government by
b) comparing the similarities and differences of political
Although third parties rarely win elections,
they play an important role in
public politics.
How are the major political parties similar, and how do they differ?
Similarities between parties
Differences between parties
How do third parties differ from the two major parties?
Third parties
The student will demonstrate knowledge of the
political process at the local, state, and national
levels of government by
c) analyzing campaigns for elective
office, with emphasis on the role of
the media;
Voters evaluate information presented
in political campaigns to make reasoned
choices among candidates.
The media plays an important
role in the political process.
How do citizens make informed choices in elections?
Strategies for evaluating campaign speeches, literature, and advertisements for accuracy
How does the media play a role in the political process?
Mass media roles in elections
The student will demonstrate knowledge of the
political process at the local, state, and national
levels of government by
d) examining the role of campaign contributions
and costs;
How has the high cost of getting elected changed campaigning for public office?
Rising campaign costs
Campaign finance reform
The student will demonstrate knowledge of the
political process at the local, state, and national
levels of government by
e) describing voter registration and
Voting is a basic responsibility of citizenship.
Voter registration is required before
a citizen may vote.
The number of citizens who register and vote
is related to how important election
issues are to citizens.
What are the requirements for voter registration in Virginia?
Only citizens who register can participate in primary and general elections.Qualifications to register to vote in Virginia
How to register in Virginia
Registration is closed 29 days before elections.
What factors influence voter turnout and registration?
Factors in predicting which citizens will vote
Why citizens fail to vote
The percentage of voters who participate in presidential elections is usually greater than the percentage of voters who participate in state and local elections.
Every vote is important.
The student will demonstrate knowledge of the
political process at the local, state, and national
levels of government by
f) describing the role of the Electoral
College in the election of the president
and vice president;
How does the Electoral College select the President and Vice President of the United States?
Electoral College process
The number of electors of each state is based on the state’s Congressional representation.
The requirements for a majority vote to win in the Electoral College favors a two-party system.
The student will demonstrate knowledge of
the political process at the local, state,
and national levels of government by
g) participating in simulated local,
state and/or national elections.
How can students under 18 participate in the democratic process?
Student participation in the democratic process can include:
The student will demonstrate knowledge of
the American constitutional government at
the national level by
a) describing the structure and powers of
the national government;
The Constitution of the
United States defines the structure
and powers of the national government.
The powers held by government
are divided between the national government
in Washington, D.C., and the governments
of the 50 states.
What is the structure of the government as set out in the United States Constitution?
The powers held by government are divided between the national government in Washington, D.C., and the governments of the 50 states.
Legislative, executive, and judicial powers of the national government are distributed among three distinct and independent branches of government.
What are the powers of the national government?
The Executive branch:
The Judicial branch consists of the courts:
The Legislative branch:
The student will demonstrate knowledge of
the American constitutional government at
the national level by
b) explaining the principle of separation
of powers and the operation of checks
and balances;
The powers of the national government are separated among three branches of the government in ways that limit any one branch from abusing its power.
How do the separation of powers and the system of checks and balances protect against an abuse of power by any one branch of the national government?
Separation of Powers--
The Constitution of the United States in Articles I, II, and III defines the powers of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of the national government.
Checks and Balances--
Each one of the three branches of the national government limits the exercise of power by the other two branches.
Legislative Branch
The Congress checks the President when legislators
The Congress checks the courts when legislators
Executive Branch
The President checks Congress when the President
Judicial Branch
The courts check Congress when judges/justicesThe student will demonstrate knowledge of
the American constitutional government at
the national level by how public policy is made at the local, state, and national levels of government by
c) explaining and/or
simulating the lawmaking
Officials who are elected to serve in the national legislatures make laws.
Laws are made by Congress.
All citizens can learn the importance of the individual’s participation in the policymaking process through direct participation and simulations.
How does the Virginia General Assemblyand Congress make laws?
The lawmaking process in Congress
Which branch of the national government has the power to pass laws?
Legislative powers
Elected officials write laws and take action in response to problems or issues.
Individuals and interest groups help shape legislation.
The formal powers of Congress are limited by the Constitution of the United States.
Students should practice the legislative process through direct involvement or simulations.
The student will demonstrate knowledge of
how public policy
is made at the local, state, and national
levels of government by the
American constitutional government at the
national level by
d) describing the roles and powers of the executive
The executive branch plays a key role in the policymaking process.
Presidential power is broad in both domestic and foreign affairs, but there are limits on what the President can and cannot do.
What are the roles and powers of the executive branch at the state and national level?
Ways the executive branch influences policymaking
Cabinet departments, agencies, and
regulatory groups interpret
and execute the
laws help
with carrying out laws.
The powers of the executive branch
are defined in the Constitution of
the United States of America and
the Constitution of Virginia.
The executive branch at the state and national levels carries out the law.
What are the roles and power of the President?
The President exercises power as:
Presidential power has grown in the years since the Constitution was ratified.
The student will demonstrate knowledge of
the American constitutional government at
the state level by
a) describing the structure and powers
of the state government;
The form of government of the Commonwealth of Virginia is established by the Virginia Constitution.
Legislative, executive, and judicial powers are separated at the state level of government.
What is the structure of the state government?
The Virginia Constitution distributes power among the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of the state government.
What are some of the powers of the three branches of state government?
Executive Branch:
Legislative branch:
Judicial branch:
The judicial power is exercised by a court system that consists of four levels of courts:
There is also a small claims court.
The student will demonstrate knowledge of
the American constitutional government at
the state level by
b) explaining the relationship of state
governments to the national
government in the federal
How does the Constitution of the United States of America outline powers divided and shared between the national and state governments?
The Constitution of the United States
of America establishes a federal
form of government in which
the national government is supreme.
The powers not given to the national government by the Constitution of the United States of America are reserved to the states.
The Constitution of the United States of America denies powers to both the national and state governments.
Primary responsibilities of each level of government
Tensions exist when federal mandates require state actions without adequate funding
The student will demonstrate knowledge of
the American constitutional government at
the state level by
c) explaining and/or simulating the lawmaking
How does the Virginia General Assembly make laws?
The lawmaking process in the Virginia General Assembly includes:
Elected officials write laws and take
action in response to problems or issues.
Individuals and interest
groups help shape legislation.
The primary issues in the legislative process at the state level concern:
The student will demonstrate knowledge of the American constitutional government at the state level by
d) describing the roles and powers of the executive branch and regulatory boards.
What are the roles and powers of the executive branch at the state level?
In carrying out both the formal and informal powers of the office, the Governor fills several roles including:
Cabinet secretaries and departments, agencies, commissions, and regulatory boards:
The student will demonstrate knowledge of the American constitutional government at the local level by
a) describing the structure and powers of
the local government;
What are the units of local government in Virginia?
The units of local government in Virginia are counties, towns, and cities. Local governments exercise legislative, executive, and judicial powers.
All Virginia counties have an elected Board of Supervisors that exercises legislative powers, enacting ordinances (local laws) and adopting an annual budget.
All Virginia counties have an elected or appointed School Board that oversees the operation of the K-12 public schools in the county.
All Virginia towns have an elected Town Council that exercises legislative powers, enacting ordinances and adopting the town's annual budget. A mayor is elected either by the voters or the Town Council members.
Which powers do local government exercise?
Virginia local governments exercise defined and limited powers, including the power to
Which officials are locally elected?
All Virginia cities have an elected City
Council that exercises legislative
powers, enacting ordinances and adopting
an annual budget. A mayor is
elected by the voters or the City
Council members.
All Virginia cities/counties have an
elected or appointed School Board that
oversees the operation of the K-12 public
schools in the city/county.
In Virginia counties, towns, and cities
a manager may be hired
by the elected legislative branch to
oversee the operations of the local government.
In every Virginia locality, courts resolve
judicial disputes. Judges of the circuit
courts, district courts, juvenile and
domestic relations courts, and small
claims courts hear cases in each locality.
The Virginia Constitution requires that
voters in every locality elect a sheriff,
a clerk of the circuit court, a commissioner
of revenue, and a treasurer.
The student will demonstrate knowledge of
the American constitutional government at
the local level by
b) explaining the relationship of local
government to the state government;
What is the relationship between the state and local governments?
All powers of the local government are given to them by the Constitution of Virginia and acts by the General Assembly.
Not all counties and cities are given the same powers.
Cities have charters and their powers are listed in the city charter.
The student will demonstrate knowledge of
the American constitutional government at
the local level by
c) explaining and/or simulating the lawmaking
How do localities enact ordinances?
An elected Board of Supervisors is responsible for passing laws (ordinances) for the county.
An elected council is the local legislative body in independent cities and incorporated towns.
Individuals have the greatest influence on the decisions made by local government officials.
All citizens can learn the importance of the individual’s participation in the law-making process through direct participation and simulations.
The student will demonstrate knowledge of how
public policy is made at the local, state, and
national levels of government by
a) examining the impact of the media on
public opinion and public policy
What influence does the media have on public policy and policymakers?
Ways media play an important role in setting the public agenda
Government officials use the media to communicate with the public.
The student will demonstrate knowledge of how
public policy is made at the local, state, and
national levels of government by
b) describing how individuals and interest
groups influence public policy;
How do individuals and interest groups influence policymakers?
Ways individuals influence public policy
Terms to know
Lobbying: Seeking to influence legislators to introduce or vote for or against a bill
Ways interest groups influence public policy
The student will demonstrate knowledge of
how public policy is made at the local, state,
and national levels of government by
c) describing the impact of international
issues and events on local decision
Which international issues and events would require local government officials to act?
International issues and events that would require policy decisions by local government officials could include the following
The student will demonstrate knowledge of
the judicial systems established by the Constitution
of Virginia and the Constitution of the United
States of America by
a) describing the organization and
jurisdiction of federal and state courts
.of the United
States judicial system as
consisting of state and federal courts
with original and appellate jurisdiction;
How are federal courts organized, and what jurisdiction does each exercise?
The United States has a separate court system whose organization and jurisdiction are derived from the Constitution of the United States and federal laws.
U.S. Supreme Court
U.S. District Court
Magistrates issue search warrants, subpoenas, arrest warrants, and summons and set bail.
How are state courts organized, and what jurisdiction does each exercise?
Virginia Supreme Court
Court of Appeals of Virginia
Circuit Court
District Court and
Juvenile and Domestic Relations District
The student will demonstrate knowledge of the
judicial systems established by the Constitution
of Virginia and the Constitution of the United
States of America by
b) describing the exercise of judicial
What is judicial review?
The supreme courts of the United States and Virginia determine the constitutionality of laws and acts of the executive branch of government. This power is called judicial review.
Marbury v. Madison established the principle of judicial review at the national level.
The Constitution of the United States of America is the supreme law of the land.
State laws must conform to the Virginia and United States constitutions.
The student will demonstrate knowledge of
the judicial systems established by the Constitution
of Virginia and the Constitution of the United
States of America by
c) comparing and contrasting civil
and criminal cases;
How are criminal and civil cases similar and different?
Criminal law
In a criminal case, a court determines whether a person accused of breaking the law is guilty or not guilty of a misdemeanor or a felony.
Procedure for criminal cases
Civil law
In a civil case, a court settles a disagreement between two parties to recover damages or receive compensation.
Procedure for civil cases
The student will demonstrate knowledge of the
judicial systems established by the Constitution
of Virginia and the Constitution of the United
States of America by
d) explaining how due process protections
seek to ensure justice.
How do the due process protections ensure justice?
Due process protections
Terms to know
Due process of law: The constitutional protection against unfair governmental actions and laws
The Supreme Court has extended the
due process clauses to protect the
guarantees of the Bill of Rights.
The student will demonstrate knowledge of how
economic decisions are made in the marketplace
a) applying the concepts of scarcity,
resources, choice, opportunity cost, price, incentives,
supply and demand, production, and consumption;
How do people deal with scarcity, resources, choice, opportunity cost, price, incentives, supply and demand, production, and consumption?
Scarcity is the inability to satisfy all wants at the same time. All resources and goods are limited. This requires that choices be made.
Resources are factors of production that are used in the production of goods and services. Types of resources are natural, human, capital, and entrepreneurship.
Choice is selecting an item or action from a set of possible alternatives. Individuals must choose/make decisions about desired goods and services because these goods and services are limited.Opportunity Cost
Opportunity cost is what is given up when a choice is made—the highest valued alternative forgone. Individuals must consider the value of what is given up when making a choice.
Price is the amount of money exchanged for a good or service. Interaction of supply and demand determines price. Price determines who acquires goods and services.
Incentives are things that incite or motivate. Incentives are used to change economic behavior.
Supply and demand
Interaction of supply and demand determines price. Demand is the amount of a good or service that consumers are willing and able to buy at a certain price. Supply is the amount of a good or service that producers are willing and able to sell at a certain price.
Production is the combining of human, natural, capital, and entrepreneurship resources to make goods or provide services. Resources available and consumer preferences determine what is produced.
Consumption is using goods and services. Consumer preferences and price determine what is purchased.
The student will demonstrate knowledge of how
economic decisions are made in the marketplace
b) comparing the differences among, traditional,
free market, command, and mixed economies.
Every country must develop an economic system to determine how to use its limited productive resources.
The key factor in determining
the type of economy is the extent
of government involvement. in economic
decision making.
What are the basic economic questions all societies must answer?
The Three Basic Questions of Economics
Each type of economy answers the three basic questions differently.
What are the basic characteristics of traditional, free market, command, and mixed economies? How does each type of economy answer the three basic questions?
Characteristics of major economic systems
No country relies exclusively on markets to deal with the economic problem of scarcity.
The student will demonstrate knowledge of how economic decisions are made in the marketplace by c) describing the characteristics of the United States economy, including free markets, limited government, private property, profit, and competition.
The United States economy is primarily a free market economy; but because there is some government involvement it is characterized as a mixed economy.
Government intervenes in
a market economy when the perceived benefits of
a government policy outweigh the
anticipated costs.
What are the essential characteristics of the United States economy?
Characteristics of the United States economy
Consumer sovereignty - Consumers determine through purchases, what goods and services will be produced. Government involvement in the economy is limited. Most decisions regarding the production of goods and services are made in the private sector.
In the United States private individuals, businesses, and government share economic decision making.
The student will demonstrate knowledge of the
structure and operation of the United States
economy by
a) describing the types of business organizations and
the role of entrepreneurship;
There are three basic ways that businesses organize to earn profits.
Entrepreneurs play an important
role in all three business organizations.
What are the basic
types of
profit-seeking business structures?
Basic types of business ownership
What is an entrepreneur?
The student will demonstrate knowledge of the
structure and operation of the United States
economy by
b) explaining the circular flow that shows how
consumers (households), businesses (producers),
and markets interact;
How do resources, goods and services, and money flow among individuals, businesses, and governments in a market economy?
Economic flow (Circular flow)
The student will demonstrate knowledge of the
structure and operation of the United States
economy by
c) explaining how financial institutions encourage
saving and investing channel
funds from savers to borrowers;
How do financial institutions make the deposits of savers available to borrowers encourage saving and investing?
Characteristics of private financial institutions
The student will demonstrate knowledge of the
structure and operation of the United States
economy by
d) examining the relationship of Virginia and
the United States to the global economy,
with emphasis on the impact of technological
Why do Virginia
and the United States
trade with other nations?
Global Economy—
Worldwide markets in which the buying and selling of goods and services by all nations takes place
Reasons that states and nations trade
Virginia and the United States specialize in the production of certain goods and services which promotes efficiency and growth.
What is the impact of
technological innovation on world trade?
Impact of technological innovations
The student will demonstrate knowledge of the
role of government in the United States economy
a) examining competition in the marketplace;
How does the United States government promote and regulate competition?
Ways the government promotes marketplace competition
Government agencies that regulate business
These agencies oversee the way individuals and companies do business.
The student will demonstrate knowledge of the
role of government in the United States economy
b) explaining the creation
of public how government
provides certain goods
and services;
What are public goods and services? What types of goods and services do governments provide?
Characteristics of most goods and services provided by the government.
How do governments pay for the goods and services they provide?
Ways governments pay for public goods and services
The student will demonstrate knowledge of the
role of government in the United States economy
c) describing the impact of taxation,
including an understanding of the reasons for
the 16th Amendment, spending,
and borrowing;
How does the government influence economic activity?
Government tax increases
reduce the funds available for private
and business spending; tax
increase funds for private and business spending.
Increased government borrowing
reduces funds available
for borrowing by individuals
and businesses;
decreased government borrowing
increases funds available
for borrowing by individuals
and businesses.
Increased government spending
increases demand, which
may increase employment
and production;
decreased spending
reduces demand, which may
result in a slowing of the
Increased government spending may result in higher taxes; decreased government spending may result in lower taxes.
The 16th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America authorizes Congress to tax incomes (personal and business).
The student will demonstrate knowledge of the
role of government in the United States economy
d) explaining how the Federal Reserve
System regulates
the money supply acts
as our nation’s central bank;
What is the role of the Federal Reserve System in maintaining a stable economy?
As the central bank of the United States, the Federal Reserve System
Ways the Federal Reserve Bank slows the economy
The student will demonstrate knowledge of the
role of government in the United States economy
e) describing the protection of consumer rights
and property rights;
What is the role of the United States government in protecting consumer rights and property rights?
Individuals have the right of private ownership, which is protected by negotiated contracts that are enforceable by law.
Government agencies establish guidelines that protect public health and safety.
Consumers may take legal action against violations of consumer rights.
The student will demonstrate knowledge of
the role of government in the United States
economy by
f) recognizing that government creates
currency and coins and that there
are additional forms of money.
Why does the government issue currency and coins?
When the United States government issues
coins and currency, people accept
it in exchange for goods and
services because they have confidence
in the government.
Government issues money to facilitate this exchange.
The three types of money generally used in the United States are:
Which government agencies are responsible for creating money?
Answer not provided.
The student will demonstrate knowledge of career opportunities by
An awareness of individual talents, interests, and aspirations is needed to select a career.
Attitudes and behaviors that support a strong work ethic enhance career success.
There is a correlation between skills, education, and income.
Changes in technology influence the abilities, skills, and education needed in the marketplace.
What is the role of self-assessment in career planning?
Career planning starts with self-assessment.
What is the role of work ethic in determining career success?
Employers seek employees who demonstrate the attitudes and behaviors of a strong work ethic.
What is the relationship between skills, education, and income?
Higher skill(s) and/or education level(s) generally lead to higher incomes.
Supply and demand also influence job income.
Employers seek individuals who have kept pace with technological change/skills.
What influence do advances in technology have on the workplace?
Technological advancements create new jobs in the workplace.
Technology and information flows permit people to work across borders. This creates competition from foreign workers for United States jobs and may create opportunities for United States workers to work for companies in other countries.
Being fiscally responsible includes making careful spending decisions, saving and investing for the future, having insurance, keeping to a budget, using credit wisely, as well as understanding how contracts, warranties, and guarantees can protect the individual.