USII.6b WWII - Major Events and Turning Points

The student will demonstrate knowledge of the major causes and effects of American involvement in World War II by
b) describing the major events and turning points of the war in Europe and the Pacific.
What were the major events and turning points of World War II? What was the Holocaust?
Despite initial Axis success in both Europe and the Pacific, the Allies persevered and ultimately defeated Germany and Japan.

The Holocaust is an example of prejudice and discrimination taken to the extreme.
The Holocaust -
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The Holocaust
• Aryan supremacy
• Systematic attempt to rid Europe of all Jews

Concentration camp inmates during the Holocaust

– Boycott of Jewish stores
– Threats
– Segregation
– Imprisonment and killing of Jews and others in concentration camps
Liberation by Allied forces of Jews and others in concentration camp.

Major events and turning points of World War II

Germany invaded Poland, setting off war in Europe. The Soviet Union also invaded Poland and the Baltic nations.
• Germany invaded France, capturing Paris.
• Germany bombed London and the Battle of Britain began.
• The United States gave Britain war supplies and old naval warships in return for military bases in Bermuda and the Caribbean.
• Japan bombed Pearl Harbor.
• After Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, Germany declared war on the United States.

Battle of Midway - The United States declared war on Japan and Germany.
• The United States was victorious over Japan in the Battle of Midway. This victory was the turning point of the war in the Pacific.

Battle of Stalingrad - 1942
• Germany invaded the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union defeated Germany at Stalingrad, marking the turning point of the war in Eastern Europe.
• American and Allied troops landed in Normandy, France, on D-Day to begin the liberation of Western Europe.

• The United States dropped two atomic bombs on Japan (Hiroshima and Nagasaki) in 1945, forcing Japan to surrender and ending World War II.

September 29-30 1939, German troops parade through Warsaw after the surrender of Poland

Battle of Midway

Battle of Stalingrad

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1938 - Cover of a German anti-Semitic (anti-Jewish) children's book, "The Poisonous Mushroom".   Click on the picture to learn more about German anti-Semitism