United States History to 1877 - Outline

US1.2 Geography

US1.2a - Seven Continents Review

Number the Continents Order Activity
Quia order activity) this activity should be replaced
Continents Flashcards
revised version
Continents Match-up & Concentration
revised version

US1.2b Eight North American Regions

Regions -Large Color Map
Geographic Regions of North America  Millionaire Game
Geographic Regions of North America  Flashcards
Geographic Regions of North America  Match-up & Concentration
Geographic Regions of North America Ordered List

US1.2c U.S. Rivers & Bodies of Water

U.S. Rivers
U.S. Rivers  Pop-Up Q & A
Rivers and Waterways Crossword

US1.3 American Indians

US1.3a, b The Inuit, Kwakiutl, Sioux, Iroquois, & Pueblo

Indian Tribes of North America Hangman
Indians of North America Patterns
Native American tribes Pop-up quiz
Rivers & American Indians Crossword

US1.4 Discovery & Exploration

US1.4a Explorations of Cabot, Coronado, Champlain & LaSalle

Cabot Explores the Canadian CoastCloze
French Explorers - Champlain and LaSalle mini-quiz
Coronado and the Spanish Explorerscloze
European Explorers Quiz
Explorers Drag & Drop
Explorers Crossword
Explorers and ColoniesQuiz

US1.4b Interactions - Europeans with Indians

US1.4c Africa - Ghana, Mali & Songhai

US1.5 Colonization

US1.5a Where and Why New Colonies were Established

US1.5b,c Life in New England, Middle and Southern Colonies

US1.5d England's Political and Economic Control Over the Colonies

US1.6 Dissatisfaction Leads to Revolution

US1.6a England Tightens Control, Dissatisfaction Grows in the Colonies

US1.6b Philosophies and New Ideas

US1.6c Key People & Events of the Revolution

US1.7 Governing a New Nation

US1.7a Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation

US1.7b Principles of the Constitution

US1.7c Political Parties Emerge

US1.7d The First Five Presidents

US1.8 Westward Expansion

US1.8a New Territories

US1.8b Geographic & Economic Factors

US1.8c Impact of Inventions

US1.8d Abolitionist and Suffrage Movements

US1.9 Dividing the Nation

US1.9a Differences Divide North and South

US1.9b States' Rights and Slavery

US1.9c South Secedes

US1.9d Civil War Leaders

US1.10 After the Civil War

US1.10a The 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments

US1.10b Effects of Reconstruction on the South